Sunday, December 16, 2007

Obey the Symbol

After going around trying to find something worthy and interesting for this weekend, SymbolOne came across and I decided to put in contact with them and try to unvail the rumors of being two identical twins that just found each other and decided to put together this great tracks. And yes, I got the Info and SymbolOne is Eduard Raos and Vinko Pelicaric, but not identical physically twins, their likeliness is based in their minds and they way of making music. They are still going independent and have been checking around some labels but nothing for sure at the moment, their EP is going to be out probably in mid January but it's still not sure, it will contain Love Juice and probably Everything Louder than Everything Else or something new that this guys make til that time, you will be expecting remixes on this EP from Moulinex (posted previously by The Neon Rider) and Passions. It will be limited to 535 copies so if you like it be aware!

They say their influenced by everything they like old or new, I'll let you have your opinion when you hear them but personally i loved this two tracks. A fresh, interesting and really worth to be heard sound, I won't say more except that it's great.

So here they are, two tracks that probably will be on their EP. Thanks to SymbolOne for this gift and for supporting TheNeonRider to keep this exquisite selection. Enjoy!

SymbolOne - Love Juice

SymbolOne - Everything Louder Than Everything Else


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